Analytical Biochemistry Services Offered
If you have any questions about the services offered or a custom-designed chemical analysis, please contact:
Adrian Franke, PhD at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (808) 586-3008.
Targeted Analyses
- 1-hydroxy-pyrene in urine
- 5-Nitro-gamma tocopherol in plasma
- Acids (citrate cycle analytes): lactic acid, pyruvic acid, alpha-ketoglutaric acid, from liver tissue
- Aldehydes (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein) by LCMS
- Alkaloids from urine, saliva, hair, plants by LCMS (see nicotine, cotinine, Areca alkaloids)
- Alkylresercinols from serum
- Ammonia in urine
- APO-A1 in plasma by AA
- Apo-B in plasma by AA
- Apo-E in plasma by AA
- Areca (Betel) alkaloids from urine, saliva, buccal cells, scalp hair, and plant materials by LCMS (arecoline, arecaidine, guvacine, guvacoline)
- Bisphenol-A in urine by LC/MSMS
- Caffeine and its metabolites in urine
- Calcium in plasma by AA
- Carotenoids in the eye by macular pigment optical density reading using heterochromatic flicker spectrophotometry
- Carotenoids including their isomers in plasma by HPLC/PDA (luteins, zeaxanthins, alpha- and beta-cryptoxanthins, lycopenes, alpha- and beta-carotenes)
- Chavibetol from urine, saliva, plants by LCMS
- Cholesterol (total) in plasma by AA
- Cholic acid, chenodeoxycholic acid, deoxycholic acid, lithocholic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid, and hyodeoxycholid acid from serum
- Choline, betaine, carnitine, trimethylamine-N-oxide from plasma or serum (TMAO) by LCMS
- Choline, betaine, CDP-choline, phosphocholine, glycerophosphocholine from liver tissue
- Citric acid, and the most abundant fatty acids from liver tissue
- Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinol-10 and ubiquinone-10) by HPLC/PDA
- Cotinine and hydroxycotinine from saliva;
- Hydroxylated cholesterols in plasma by LCMS
- Coenzyme Q10 in plasma by HPLC/ECD (oxidized, reduced and total Q10)
- Creatinine in urine by AA
- CRP in plasma by AA
- DNA methylation, global (5-methyl-dC/dG)
- Fatty acids in plasma or RBC's by high-accuracy LCMS (myristic acid [MA, C14:0], stearic acid [SA, C18:0], palmitic acid [PA, C16:0], oleic acid [OA, C18:1], palmitoleic acid [PLA, C16:1], docosapentaenoic acid [DPA, C22:5 n-3], docosahexaenoic acid [DHA, C22:6 n-3], eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA, C20:5 n-3], α-linolenic acid [ALA, C18:3 n-3], eicosadienoic acid [EDA, C20:2 n-6], linoleic acid [LA, C18:2 n-6], arachidonic acid [AA, C20:4 n-6], α-eleostearic acid [αESA, C18:3]; stearic acid-d3 [SA-d3], linoleic acid-d4 [LA-d4], arachidonic acid-d8 [AA-d8], palmitoleic acid-d14 [PLA-d14], Eicosapentaenoic acid-d5 [EPA-d5], docosahexaenoic acid-d5 [DHA-d5], or any other fatty acid)
- Folates in plasma by LC/MSMS
- Glyphosate (Roundup), glufosinate and AMPA from urine by LCMS
- Haptoglobin in plasma by AA
- HDL-cholesterol in plasma by AA
- Homocysteine, cysteine in plasma by LCMS
- Hydroxylated cholesterols in plasma by LCMS
- Isoflavonoids, flavonoids, lignans, anthocyanins or other groups of phenolic agents from plasma, urine, breast milk, foods by LC/MSMS
- Isothiocyanates (ITC) from plasma or serum by LCMS (allyl-ITC, butenyl-ITC, phenethyl-ITC, iberin, sulforaphane)
- L-alanine, L-glutamic acid, L-glutamine, glucose-6-phosphate from liver tissue
- Lipid panel in plasma by AA (Chol, HDLC, triglycerides)
- Lipid-Phase Micronutrients in plasma or foods by HPLC/PDA/FD (12 carotenoids, 2 retinoids, 3 tocopherols)
- Macular pigment optical density by heterochromatic flicker spectrophotometry (using a model Macular Metrix II from Macular Metrics)
- Methylmalonic acid in plasma by LC/MSMS
- Neurotransmitters in CSF or plasma/serum by HPLC/FD/ECD: norepinephrine, 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid, homovanillic acid, kynurenic acid, L-kynurenine, tryptophane
- Nicotine and metabolites from urine, saliva, hair, plants by LCMS (nicotine, nornicotine, anabasine, myosmine, cotinine, hydroxycotinine, NNN [N-nitrosonornicotine], NNK [4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone], NAB [N-nitrosoanabasine], and NAT [N-nitrosoanatabine])
- Nitrogen, urea in urine by AA
- Oxytocin from serum by LCMS
- Parabens from urine by LCMS
- Phenoxyacetic acids (2,4-D; 2,4-T) from urine by LCMS
- Phospholipids (the most abundant arrays of phosphatidylcholines, phosphatidylethanolamines, sphingomyelins, lysophosphatidylcholines, and phosphatidylinositols) from liver tissue
- Phthalates in urine by LC/MSMS (phthalate, monoethyl phthalate, mono-n-butyl phthalate, mono-isobutyl phthalate, monobenzyl phthalate, mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, mono(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate, mono(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate, mono(2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl) phthalate)
- Red blood cell preparation
- Roundup (glyphosate) and aminomethyl phosphonic acid (AMPA) from urine by LCMS
- Sucrose, fructose, glucose in urine by LC/MSMS
- Total phenol levels in food, urine, plasma
- Triclosan from urine by LCMS
- Triglycerides in plasma by AA**
- Trimethylamino-N-oxide (TMAO), choline, betaine, and carnithine from serum
- Vanillin from e-cigarette juices by LCMS
- Vitamin A and pro-vitamin A in plasma by HPLC/PDA
- Vitamin B group in plasma by LC/MS (pyridoxic acid, pyridoxal phosphate; folate, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate; methylmalonic acid; homocysteine, cysteine; choline, betaine)
- Vitamin C in plasma, food by HPLC/ECD or PDA
- Vitamin D in plasma by LC/MSMS (vitamin D2, vitamin D3, 25-hydroxy-vitamin D2, and 25-hydroxy-vitamin D3)
- Vitamin E in plasma by NP-HPLC/PDA/FD (all tocopherols)
- Vitamin K by LC/MSMS
- Vitamin and antioxidant panel (lipid soluble) from plasma by single HPLC/PDA/FD (25-hydroxy-vitamin D2 and 25-hydroxy-vitamin D3; alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocopherol; all-trans and geometric isomers of lutein, zeaxanthin, alpha- and beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, and alpha- and beta-carotene; retinol and retinyl palmitate; ubiquinol-10 and ubiquinone-10)
- Steroids in urine and plasma/serum by LC/MS (estriol [E3], 16-epiestriol [16epi-E3], 17-epiestriol [17epi-E3], 16-ketoestradiol [16keto-E2], 16-α-hydroxyestrone [16αOH-E1], 2-methoxyestrone [2MeO-E1], 3-methoxyestrone [3Me-OE1], 4-methoxyestrone [4MeO-E1], 2-methoxyestradiol [2MeO-E2], 4-methoxyestradiol [4MeO-E2], 2-hydroxyestrone [2OH-E1], 4-hydroxyestrone [4OH-E1], 2-hydroxyestradiol [2OH-E2], progesterone [P], testosterone [T]), corticoids (cortisol, cortisone, etc.) and other steroids
- Any other assay based on clinical autoanalyzer technique (Pentra C400; Horiba)